Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One Little Word 2012

This is the first year I've decided to participate in Ali Edward's one little word concept. I love the idea that one little word can have such a powerful impact on the upcoming year. And I've already decided that 2012 is going to be a fabulous year. I really thought my OLW would just magically come to me - kinda like a light bulb...a-ha! But rather, every time I stumbled across a word that I liked, I wrote it on a post-it and put it on my planner. It came down to four major contenders: 'be', 'joy', 'present', and 'today'. 

'Joy' was a tad too generic, 'present' didn't seem quite right, and 'today' didn't capture the 'in the moment' word I was aiming for. So...'be' seemed like the perfect fit for my OLW for 2012. For me, 'be' equates to being present and enjoying life's little moments. For whatever reason, (I blame my discipline strength), I'm constantly planning/scheduling/thinking about the future. I'm very much a type A personality which works for me but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on the everyday moments that make life so special.

What's your one little word?

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